Thursday, December 27, 2007

here's to crap. love and loving in 007

the first said he wasn't ready. stabbing me with such exquisite pain, it's waves rushing through the sensual borders of my being. reduced me to questionable worthlessness. summed me up with a phrase - i didn't even deserve a sentence.

the second i hurt. no excuses. except for not believing in a subjective emotion. he was a breath of fresh air. perhaps my system had already grown accustomed to the pollutions of man. move on, i said. he had other ideas.

the third. played a game. he enjoyed masochistically. allowed it to wash over him. apparently he hurts too. or something to that effect.

no more.

here's to crap.

no more.

no more... i am too tired. no more.

you have asked a lot from me already.

when will you let me breathe?

in the limitations of my mortal understanding, the belief that you have toyed with me creeps insidiously. you know more, in the infinity of your wisdom. omniscience.

cradle me. i am tired. do what you must.

Friday, December 14, 2007

friendship: a human illusion.

friends are only necessary if you want to have fun. have someone to drink barrels of coffee and alcohol with. have someone to bash other people's lives with. have them to laugh at and with.

friends exist in your universe for as long as they are necessary. for as long as you are necessary to them.

but never fall into the trap of assuming that friends exist when you have something as pathetic as a problem. problems are meant to be dealt with alone. again. alone.

don't even wish to learn this the hard way...


now where did i put that bottle? (hic)

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

blessings of the mundane... and all that crap.

why are we so intent on drowning ourselves in the mundane? and then we wonder why we are finding it so hard to keep our head up and out of the waters at the very least...

the human race must be very masochistic. there must be something in our genes or dna that dictates that we should enjoy getting hurt / hurting ourselves to the point that we do it again... asking for it again...and again... and again... cheers.

and one is also behooved to wonder if there is a certain degree of sinning that can be excused as mundaneness... or is one just a bit hopeful? (heaven forbid.) hoping can be so mundane too. pardon the redundancy (well, redundancy is also mundane, but i digress...)


being jaded is so mundane... i should get a life.

la di da. =+ =| =,